County Commissioners Hear Concerns About Truck Traffic


Washington County Commissioners heard concerns regarding truck traffic on South Sparta Davisboro Road at their Thursday, February 11 meeting.

Scottie McCoy attended the meeting, explaining that he owns property on South Sparta Davisboro Road, and has witnessed trucks using the road.

“I know there’s signage at both ends of the road that states trucks over 56,000 pounds are not to use the road, and they’re totally disregarding it,” said McCoy. “And I know the County spent a lot of money repaving that road; it’s in good shape, but if we keep allowing this to happen, eventually they’ll tear it up.”

During the meeting, McCoy explained that loaded log trucks are allowed on the road if they’re harvesting on that particular road.

“That means only from Hwy. 88 to Hwy. 231, which is only three or four miles,” said McCoy, explaining that when trees are harvested on North Sparta Davisboro Road that many of the drivers travel straight across to South Sparta Davisboro Road, instead of using the highway.

In addition, McCoy stated that he’s seen numerous container trucks, as well as trucks hauling rocks.

McCoy noted that with container trucks, he’s unsure whether or not those trucks are loaded.

“I don’t know the solution to the problem,” said McCoy, adding that one potential option could be to not allow any trucks on that road unless they’re harvesting timber on the road.

McCoy asked the Commissioners if there was anything that could be done to help alleviate the issue; he suggested better signage, and stated that he understood it would be difficult to assign a deputy to that one location.

Chairman Horace Daniel stated that the County Road Superintendent Gary Waller and Commissioner Edward Burten, who represents that district, will meet with the State to see what can be done; once that meeting takes place, the Commissioners will get in touch with McCoy regarding his concerns.