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City of Tennille’s District Three Town Hall Meeting Set for Saturday, March 26


Residents of District Three in the City of Tennille will have their chance to provide feedback concerning the City on Saturday, March 26 at noon at the Tennille Fire House.

As previously reported by WACO 100, the Mayor and Council announced dates for the town hall meetings in early January; the meetings focus on each district within the City and are designed to get the citizens of Tennille engaged.

“We want to hear what our citizens have to say,” said Mayor Eartha Cummings during a recent City Council meeting. She added, “We want their input.”

Each month, the City of Tennille has conducted a town hall meeting for a particular district on the last Saturday of the month.

“Those meetings are open to everyone, but they’re geared toward the specific districts,” explained Mayor Cummings, adding that the elected officials from the particular districts will be present during those meetings.

The Town Hall meetings officially kicked off in January; elected officials met with residents of District One.

Last month, the focus was on District Two within the City of Tennille.

Those attending the Town Hall meeting on Saturday will have an opportunity to meet with their Councilmembers – David Hartley and Deborah Rhodes, who represent District Three in the City of Tennille.

Mayor Cummings stated that the goal is to have the Town Hall Meetings prior to the City Council’s retreat scheduled for the spring of this year.

“We want more citizen engagement,” said Mayor Cummings. She noted that feedback received during the Town Hall Meetings will be used during the Council’s retreat. “Ultimately, our citizens will see their ideas come to life.”

A Tennille business owner meeting will take place on Saturday, March 26, as well. This meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m.

The Tennille Town Hall Meeting and Tennille Business Owner meeting will take place at the Tennille Fire House located at 110 Park Street in Tennille on the dates provided.