Burley Presents Archway Update


Archway Professional Connie Fennell-Burley presented an Archway Partnership update during the Thursday, March 8 Washington County Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

Burley began by explaining that during fiscal year 2017, Archway had five priority areas for Washington County including Education, Regional Tourism/Development, Leadership, Tourism, and Healthcare.

During the meeting, Burley discussed several of the projects that took place in Washington County during fiscal year 2017. Some of the projects highlighted were:

  • Sounds Across Georgia at Washington County High School through the Hugh Hodgson School of Music.
  • A marketing plan for Depot Disc Golf was developed by the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication.
  • A College of Environment and Design graduate student worked with the City of Tennille to develop a complete Streetscape Design for downtown Tennille.
  • The Georgia GAZE Project captured over 3,000 photos from Washington County through the Lamar Dodd School of Art.
  • The Teen Maze, a partnership between Archway and Family Connection and Communities in Schools teaching students about choices
  • Washington LEADS had 16 adult leaders who participated in the first adult leadership class since 2010. The JW Fanning Institute of Leadership participated in the planning and facilitation of the class.

When discussing the return on investment, Burley explained that 88 students were engaged during fiscal year 2017. Also, 15 faculty partnerships were made during the year. Washington County saw a total of 12 projects during fiscal year 2017. The value of the projects completed through the Archway Partnership was an estimated $104,879.

“And we’re working on all kinds of new projects for Washington County,” said Burley, when discussing the future of Archway in Washington County.

Burley also stated that the Archway Executive Committee has identified some new initiatives for the community.

Some of the projects already underway for the new year include a Kaolin Museum Feasibility Study, a Washington County Ag Center Study, and a Tennille Waste Water Treatment Study.