Deadline Approaching to Complete High-Speed Internet Survey


The deadline to complete the Washington County Chamber of Commerce’s High-Speed Internet needs survey for Washington County residents and businesses is Friday, March 26.

Responses from the survey will be used to determine the specific needs of customers who may need internet.

The plan is to take the survey responses, map them based on location, and take the responses to potential High-Speed Internet providers in order to make Washington County’s case for expansion. The survey is also needed to obtain federal and state grants which are essential in this effort.

Sandy Mercer of the Washington County Chamber of Commerce’s Broadband Taskforce explained during a recent County Commissioners’ meeting that responses are needed from all residents and businesses in order to provide a better understanding of the true need in Washington County.

“We need the responses; when we map it out, the responses mean a lot in whether or not we get a USDA grant,” said Mercer.

The survey has the full support of the County Commissioners, local City Mayors, the Development Authority of Washington County, the Washington County Board of Education, and many local businesses and industry.

The Chamber of Commerce feels that expansion of High-Speed Internet service throughout the rural parts of the County is vital. Many say that the Internet will be as important to rural growth and prosperity during the 21st Century as electricity was to rural growth in the 20th Century. More people than every work, shop, and school from home. The COVID-19 pandemic only highlighted the great need for adequate internet to be in people’s homes.

Everyone in Washington County is encouraged to take the survey. This survey is available online by clicking HERE.

For those with limited or no access to internet, the survey can be conducted over the telephone by calling the Washington County Chamber of Commerce during business hours at 478-552-3288.